







Shaolin - The Legend
ACCORDING TO ANCIENT LEGEND, an Indian Buddhist priest named Tamo
travelled to China in the 6th Century in order to study at the temple of Shaolin.
But the head-abbot, Fang Chang, was suspicious, so the priest was denied entry.
Tamo then sought to prove his devotion by meditating in a nearby cave - and such
was the strength of his faith that his unbroken meditative gaze bored a hole through
the rock.

On finally gaining access to the temple, Tamo met high standards of learning,
but he was alarmed to discover that many of the monks failed to perform even
the most basic physical requirements for meditation. Starting with simple movement
exercises designed to enhance the flow of Ch'i, or life force, Tamo took it upon
himself to bring the monks' bodies up to a standard worthy of their intellects.
Tamo formulated a set of exercises styled on the movements of the main 18 animals in
Indo-Chinese iconography, and as the monks became more skilled at the basic routines,
defensive combat elements were introduced. These exercises became famed as the
Shaolin martial arts. Every style was varied and adaptable, providing the monks
with a series of exercises and defensive procedures appropriate to their individual
bodies. Some preferred to study the wild but regal movements of the Tiger style;
others opted to master the martial art of Shaolin Crane, a style developed by a monk
who saw a crane defeat an ape by darting repeatedly or unpredictable angles with
its razor-sharp beak. Each monk was encouraged to experiment and find the style
that suited their Ch'i.

Over the centuries the styles developed and solidified, with certain arts
incorporating the use of swords and other weapons. Most difficult of all styles was
the Wu-Tang sword, and a true master of this style was practically unbeatable in
battle. A student would progress through the various levels of mastery of the sword
technique, each one more difficult than the last. Each level, or Chamber, took the
swordsman nearer to invincibility, and on attaining the next Chamber, the monk
would replace one of his natural teeth with a gold one. The monks who taught
the Wu-Tang Style had reputedly reached the 36th Chamber - meaning they were
invincible to all but a fellow 36th Chamber Wu-Tang master - and had platinum
set into their gold front teeth.
The monks used their mastery solely for defensive purposes, and swore never to
teach the Wu-Tang style to an outsider. But a renegade fraction believed that the
Wu-Tang style was too important to be kept secret, and vowed to be free to teach it
as they pleased. These rebels joined forces with their sworn enemies, the Manchurians,
and sought to overthrow the temple of Shaolin, the eventual goal of the joint
uprising being world domination. The rebels believed that they would be able to build
an unbeatable army of Wu-Tang swordsmen, if only they could rid themselves of the
monks and be free to use Wu-Tang style aggressively.

The defention of "Wu-Tang" is battle. The Wu-Tang is a sword style
of kung fu martial arts that is based primarely in Northern China.
The Wu-Tang consists of 36 Chambers.To become a Shaolin warrior,
one must pass each task within the 36 Chambers.Once one chamber has
been completed, the warrior must move on to the next.
Each one of the 9 members of the Wu-Tang contain 4 chambers within
their heart. 9 members with 4 chambers in each equal the 36 Chambers.
There are 36 deadly points within the body, each one at a 10 degree
interval. A blow to one of the 36 deadly points can instantly kill.
The Wu-Tang believe in only 3 things:
Honour, Loyalty, & Brotherhood
Each member of the Wu-Tang are based on a comic book character.
The Wu-Tang is known for their ability to be a group, separate, and still have the knowledge to stay together, much like the cartoon, Voltron.


"Watch your step, kid. I got your back, but you better watch your front."
Prepare for the Illuminati 2000; the Mason's plan for the New World Order...
The Wu-Tang sword was initially practised only as a highly secretive form of defence, but a renegade fraction of masters vowed that they would teach it as they pleased. The rebels joined forces with their former enemies and overthrew the temple of Shaolin, their eventual goal being total world domination. Although they were eventually broken up, the legend says that their descendants will one day return to resume their quest for global control. The rebels became known as the Wu-Tang Clan... *
Staten Island, memorably described as 'New York's forgotten borough', has its share of run-down ghetto areas and housing projects, and has suffered, like most US inner cities, from more than a decade of the crack epidemic. Park Hill, renamed by residents as 'Killer Hill' because of the alarming rate of homicides and drug fatalities, is among the most notorious of Staten's problem areas, and is the sort of background few can successfully leave behind. It's become a cliché in hip-hop for the most downtrodden of the ghetto's youth to rise up, reject the options available and make a new life through music. But what gives the Wu-Tang Clan's story its extra dimension is the shadow cast by those ancient mysteries of the Shaolin temple. *
But to understand the whole story, you need to reach the end of the book, and Wu-Tang Clan are only giving you a chapter at a time. Like the monks of ancient Shaolin, the listener can become a Wu-Tang master only by studying each Chamber one at a time and learning the intricacies of each advanced style. *
The ancients believed two things: (1) that the descendants of the slain monks would one day rise up against the Clan for revenge; (2) that the legendary Wu-Tang Clan would be reborn to finish their ageless plan of controlling the universe. Such is the continuing legacy of the most feared group ever to master the art, a group that remained inseparable till the appointed time arrived.


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